Nearly two years ago during a heightened sensitivity toward racism, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York removed the name of their racist and eugenicist founder, Margaret Sanger from their flagship abortion facility. Planned Parenthood admitted that Sanger was a confirmed bigot and vowed to purge her legacy of prejudice from their ranks.
During the fallout, 19 Planned Parenthood affiliates, representing 33 states, admitted to harboring systemic racism in their day-to-day operations.
Recently, some in the media circled back and asked the abortion giant what they’ve done to eliminate widespread racism from their organization.
Planned Parenthood’s response spoke volumes.
You can’t blame members of the media for their interest in what Planned Parenthood has done to rid itself of the stench of racism that seeped into and saturated their 100-year-old-plus organization. After all, Planned Parenthood publicly set the bar high, generating reasonable expectations that their priority would be to bring restoration and healing to the nation’s largest chain of abortion facilities.
In an April 17, 2021 New York Times editorial, Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson said, “We will no longer make excuses or apologize for Margaret Sanger’s actions. But we can’t simply call her racist, scrub her from our history, and move on. We must examine how we have perpetuated her harms over the last century — as an organization, an institution, and as individuals.”
But media inquiries asking about Planned Parenthood’s progress was met with stony silence. Johnson’s promise in the Times editorial was all words and no action – a common accusation made by Black and Latino employees.
Research by Life Issues Institute documents Planned Parenthood’s far flung and widespread racist footprint. Seventy-nine percent of their abortion facilities are within walking distance of neighborhoods of color.
Our findings were cited in an excellent video segment over the weekend by Lawrence Jones with Fox News. He used our website map to demonstrate how Planned Parenthood universally targets women of color.
Jessica Chasmar, also with Fox News published a May 6, 2022 article – picked up by various media outlets – citing our research that an alarming 88% (22 of 25) Planned Parenthood mega-centers (10,000 square feet or more) target women of color. The evidence is overwhelming that racism is the foundation of Planned Parenthood’s business model. Fox’s multiple requests for comment from this kingpin of the abortion industry were met with crickets.
Margaret Sanger would be proud of what her organization has become. It effectively continues, albeit in less transparent ways, her strategy of eugenics, bigotry, and racism.
Things haven’t changed since Johnson’s grandiose claim a year ago, and she has no answer for the damning statistics compiled by Life Issues Institute’s research. That is why media inquiries were met with stony silence. Planned Parenthood is used to riding out media storms, then getting a pass from sympathetic reporters.
Hopefully that is changing.
Protecting women and their babies from the abortion industry,
The article highlights again what I call the pathological hypocrisy of the abortion mentality and of liberalism in general. Planned Parenthood is but the “lengthened shadow” of Margaret Sanger.