
New Tool to Educate Millions

Bradley Mattes   |   September 17, 2020

One thing stands between the daily deaths of nearly 2,500 children by abortion and our ability to protect their lives.

The United States Supreme Court.

The goal of Life Issues Institute in the days, weeks and months ahead is to educate millions of Americans to the fact that they play a key role in who ultimately sits on the Supreme Court.

Yes, it’s us! And we have new tools that will help transform the Court.

We’ve just released two new specials – one for radio and the other a video for TV and online viewing. The programs are called Court is in Session, Life Hangs in the Balance.

To date, 61.7 million babies have been sacrificed on the altar of so-called “choice.” It is hard to wrap our minds around such an enormous number, so this graphic will help. It depicts the number of babies lost to abortion since 1973, compared with the total population of the red states.

Abortion’s toll is equal to wiping out the entire population of these states.

The radio program will educate and motivate an estimated 2.5 million listeners across the nation. Another five million are likely to see the TV program on various TV networks and independent stations. An additional two million-plus will view it through a special targeted online promotion.

In total, it’s estimated Life Issues Institute will reach 10 million people with this crucial message!

My guests include Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B Anthony List, the Honorable Bob McEwen, former Ohio Congressman, and Louisiana State Senator Katrina Jackson whose prolife legislation was recently ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court.

All three do a masterful job of demonstrating how the average American plays a crucial role in who is ultimately seated on the High Court.

Senator Jackson shares a truth I will never forget. “The answer to any question that’s ailing America comes through the womb of a woman.” We may have aborted the person who was sent by God to provide the cure to cancer. She added, “We’re all depending on those babies to be born, because they’re answers to things we’re crying out for.”

The Senator then cautions her audience, “This is the funny thing about it, you do not get to choose who that answer comes through, but America does get to choose to make life a key issue, and I ask you to join me.”

Prayer is an effective tool, so we are asking you to pray for the sitting Supreme Court Justices. To assist we provide a free downloadable prayer card with basic information on each Justice.

In addition, the video program is available on DVD, free to anyone who requests it, and of course the program is streamed online.

Be part of the solution to end abortion.

We are enticingly close to reversing Roe v Wade, but we need one or possibly two new justices who understand that the unrestrained killing of future generations is not a constitutional right.

Please join us in helping our fellow Americans understand that they can make the difference. Share the video and these links.

Sincerely for the babies,

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5 thoughts on “New Tool to Educate Millions

  1. I would love to have the free downloadable prayer card with basic information on each Justice. For use in my prayer times. Thank you!! Barbara T.

  2. This is a wonderful argument, however, it contains an implicit question which demands an answer:
    What about the destructive and evil people that will be born, rather than aborted if abortion were no more? What about those who to our human eyes appear to be destructive and negative, but are part of God’s plan that is beyond our understanding?

    I am logically led to the conclusion that we must someone go through the process of fighting the very human fight of fighting the good fight against abortion and all other evil, even to the point of distinguishing for ourselves and all those who are blinded in error with regard to abortion and other grievous sins.

  3. We have to be careful about presenting a functional view of human worth, i.e., that only those who can do certain things are human, or that those who will do good things are “more” human. The Bible teaches that every human being is made in God’s image. That includes people who can do nothing and those who do a lot of bad things. We protect human lives because it is they are image bearers, and because life is given by God. We do not have the right to execute people without due process. The unborn receive no due process; they are all innocent in terms of the law.

  4. The horrific act of abortion kills an unborn human being that emotionally mauls his or her mother.

    We must never use the proabortion term, pro-“choice.” Because it actually means

    Finally, “the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion,” “if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?“ “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”—- St. Mother Teresa

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