Attacks against life are coming from opposite spectrums of our human existence. First are those who advance extreme abortion measures that allow abortion on demand throughout pregnancy, paid for with tax dollars. Second are radicals who advocate euthanasia that affects an ever-expanding segment of society.
Since the demise of Roe v Wade, extremists have come out of the shadows to eradicate any resemblance of legislation that protects innocent unborn life. Their most successful strategy has been to target red states that have laws protecting unborn children. Backed by seemingly limitless dark money, professional signature gatherers are brought in to deceptively collect voter names for a statewide referendum that in reality enshrines abortion on demand until birth into the state constitution. Both the signature gatherers and the referendum itself carefully cloak the true nature of their extremist agenda.
Eleventh hour ads saturate the media containing misleading information and outright lies to convince voters their agenda is in the mainstream. Pro-lifers are hugely outspent and the dirty deed is done.
Voters in the states of Ohio, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, and Vermont have been victimized by these underhanded deviltries.
This year the following states are in the crosshairs of these extremists: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, and South Dakota.
Advocates hide behind words like “viability” and “healthcare,” but in reality create loopholes allowing abortion until birth by giving paid late-term abortionists the right to determine the medical need for an abortion.
The Arkansas state attorney general has twice rejected a late-term abortion amendment over ambiguous and misleading wording.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, pro-euthanasia activists have replicated past efforts of pro-abortion activists. They are relentlessly pushing to legalize the right to kill individuals under the guise of “healthcare” and “choice.”
During 2023 forms of euthanasia were introduced in ten states. They are Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. During 2024 it is expected that pro-euthanasia legislation will be introduced in additional states.
Of course, advocates of euthanasia claim there is no slippery slope, but the evidence debunks that ruse.
Activists Amy Paulin in New York and J.M. Sorrell in Massachusetts have previously revealed their strategy to first get the bill passed and make changes afterward. Sorrell said, “Once you get something passed, you can always work on amendments later, so I’m working to be patient.” That strategy has been tragically successful.
In states where so-called physician assisted suicide has been passed they’ve expanded the meaning of terminal illness, reduced or eliminated waiting periods, removed state residency requirements, allowed individuals other than physicians to participate in assisted suicide, and allow it to be carried out via video.
Without residency requirements, euthanasia tourism will flourish and a nationwide law will be unnecessary.
Pro-life advocates must remain vigilant regarding the threats to human life, both in the womb and what has been deemed “end of life.”
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