State by State Parental Consent and Parental Notification Laws
Parental Involvement in Minors’ Abortions (as of October 1, 2014)
Source: Guttmacher Institute, research arm of Planned Parenthood
Parental Consent/Notification Requirements for Minors Seeking Abortions (as of July 1, 2014)
Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
Parental Notification (excerpt from Abortion Questions & Answers: Love them Both)
The US Supreme Court’s Casey decision allowed states to pass laws requiring parental notification. Typically, such a law requires the abortionist to notify one or both parents of an unemancipated minor daughter prior to an abortion, a “minor daughter” being under 18 and living at home. Under most state laws this only requires notification. In some states it also requires consent.
The court has also required a “judicial bypass.” This means that if the girl feels she may be abused by her parents when they find out, she may go to a judge and ask for the court’s approval to abort without parental notification. Continue reading.
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