Members of so-called clergy met at a late-term abortion mill to bless it. It’s particularly revolting because the mill belongs to the notorious late-term abortionist, Leroy Carhart who has flouted the law and maimed women while killing babies. Of the four pastors and rabbi, one prayed that in the process of aborting babies, “may they always know that all they do is for Thy glory.” The rabbi said abortion only becomes murder “once the baby is born,” adding, “If a woman believes abortion is ethical, the government shouldn’t keep her from” it. They moved from room to room, sprinkling it with water, including the parking lot. One minister said, “We sanctify this space, and we honor this as holy.” Yes, this is appalling heresy, still, we need to pray for them.

Clergy Bless Abortion Mill
Bradley Mattes | February 13, 2018
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I found this shocking, not only because it was pastors and a rabbi who blessed the clinic, but also because we have been trying unsuccessfully to get the Maryland Physicians’ Review Board to pull Carhart’s licence to perform his late term abortions in this state. He has killed at least one young woman and maimed others because he comes in from out of state on certain days, performs his abortions, then flies back to his home state, leaving the patients to fend for themselves if they have complications.