Sanya Richards-Ross was favored for gold in the Beijing Olympics. She got pregnant and had an abortion the day before leaving for competition. Her Olympic experience was disappointing and she and her husband now live with the anguish of abortion. Both are Christians and want to speak out to help others avoid making the same decision. Another favored Olympian, Tasha Danvers Smith, was in an almost identical situation before the Athens Olympics, but she chose life for her baby. Both athletes say there’s tremendous pressure to abort. I did a TV interview with Tasha and her husband, and then followed up with another one after she won bronze in Beijing. You can watch the heartwarming programs. Go to life issues dot or and click on the microphone icon.
Watch this heartwarming true account of one Olympian who was favored to win Gold in the Athens Olympics, but becomes pregnant by her husband coach. The pressure to abort was intense. In part two, we follow up with the family after the Beijing Olympics to see how the games went.
Part One:
Part Two:
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