Who doesn’t love babies?!
Well, actually, someone does come to mind.
The name won’t surprise you, but the way in which we’re standing up for their victims will. . .
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s most aggressive member of the abortion industry. It has the largest chain of abortion facilities and aggressively lobbies for abortion on demand throughout pregnancy on both the state and federal level. Clearly, this organization does not love babies!
Planned Parenthood kills 324,000 preborn children by abortion in just one year.
So pro-lifers are using a baby sock as a symbol to represent these precious lost lives. Life Issues Institute is proud to be a co-sponsor of Sock It to Planned Parenthood (#SockIt2PP), the brainchild of Students for Life.
We are helping collect 324,000 gently used or new baby socks to represent each life killed by Planned Parenthood through abortion every year. They will be attached to an enormous canvas and displayed in Washington, DC at the last week of April.
What better way to symbolize the life of a precious child. Babies who will never get to wear a baby sock because they were denied the right to live and were brutally and violently snuffed out.
This display will be an unmistakable witness of the human carnage inflicted by Planned Parenthood. The timing is perfect as Congress considers diverting tax funding of the abortion industry giant to legitimate medical health centers for low-income women.
After this, Planned Parenthood’s victims will no longer be thought of as a number or statistic. Congress will evermore be reminded that we’re talking about living human beings who were destined to be a blessing to the world.
I want your voice to be among those who are beautifully speaking out for life!
It’s simple and easy. Get a pair of baby socks and send one to us for each person who opposes using their tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda. Use the other sock as your personal witness for life. High school and college students are encouraged to pin them on their backpacks or clothes. Your personal information verifies your participation but will not be shared. All the details are on our website.
Get your church to participate. The socks can be sent to us individually or all together in a box.
We will see that the socks get to Washington, DC and I will personally represent you at the media kick-off event with other pro-life leaders.
Print and copy this form freely and mail it back to us with your sock(s). If you do not have time to shop for socks, we would be glad to do it for you. Just click here.
Ending tax funding of Planned Parenthood is one of our top priorities this year. Your participation is essential to making our efforts succeed and this project is a positive, fun way to stand up for life.
Please also share this information with others and use hashtag #SockIt2PP to help promote it.
Help us make Congress dramatically aware of the human carnage of abortion and send the unmistakable message that we must end tax funding of Planned Parenthood.
For the babies,
3 thoughts on “Your Chance to Sock It to Planned Parenthood”