I was reading an online column by a hard-core pro-abortion activist. It was riddled with what I call pro-abortion euphemisms. In other words, using nice words to disguise very bad things—like abortion. So I want to take a few programs to share their euphemisms, so you can be on guard when you hear them. They now use the term “later abortions” because it sounds so much better than the reality of late-term abortions, even in the last months of pregnancy. They call you an “anti-choicer” like you’re opposed to all good things instead of opposing the killing of innocent babies. They refer to themselves as “pro-choice advocates”, because an advocate sounds like advancing a good. And they don’t say they support the “choice” of death for babies. I’ll have more tomorrow.

Pro-Abortion Euphemisms
ve8QAd | May 30, 2016
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