Everywhere I go, people ask me about Doctor and Mrs. Jack Willke. He was the voice of this radio broadcast, and is the grandfather of the pro-life movement. Jack and Barbara have done more for the world’s unborn babies than anyone in history. They’ve been my mentors for over 30 years. Mrs. Willke turns 89 next month and is doing well. Dr. Willke is 86—I often kid Barbara about robbing the cradle! These newlyweds have been married for 63 years. Jack still comes into the office almost every day to work. And they’ve just completed a two-volume, fascinating book on the history of the pro-life movement. Nobody’s more qualified to write it than the Willkes. Visit today’s broadcast link at life issues dot org and send them your personal greeting.
[Editor’s note: inactive links have been removed from this transcript.]
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